


发文单位: 博彩网站 时间:2024-06-04


Email: fanhua@muerren.net



Ø 教育背景与任教经历

ž 助理博彩网站研究员,硕士博彩网站研究生导师,云南大学,高等教育博彩网站研究院,2014年至今

ž Ph.D., 教育史博士,厦门大学,教育博彩网站研究院,2014.10.

ž M.Ed., 高等教育学硕士,云南师范大学,高等教育博彩网站研究院,2009.7.

ž B.A., 金融学本科,昆明理工大学,管理与经济学院,2003.7.

ž 访问学者(CSC Visiting Scholar), 美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, BerkeleyCA, USA), 2021.11-2022.11.


Ø 简介

我是一名教育数据科学博彩网站研究学者,于2014年在厦门大学获得Ph. D教育史博士学位,现为中国云南大学高等教育博彩网站研究所助理博彩网站研究员,国际与比较教育中心副主任,硕士博彩网站研究生导师。目前,我主要致力于利用数据科学(DS)的博彩网站研究方法,探讨大学生(博彩网站研究生)学业经历、社会流动、社会不公的交叉问题,这些交叉问题目前由一系列博彩网站研究问题来驱动:哪些因素深刻地影响并塑造了学生的学业经历?这些学业经历如何深刻地改变着学生的社会认知、态度和行为?学业经历对于学生未来的社会生活来说,具有怎样的意义与价值,究竟意味着什么?学业经历的差异和社会公平之间存在怎样的因果联系?这一博彩网站研究侧重于使用混合博彩网站研究方法,通过数据挖掘、数据可视化、模型建构等科学数据分析来阐释相关博彩网站研究问题。202111月至202212月,我获得中国留学基金委公派访问学者资助,在美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)从事该项博彩网站研究。

我的博彩网站研究兴趣在于高等教育、历史与社会科学的交叉问题博彩网站研究,近期计划出版《博彩网站研究》(博士论文, 厦门大学,2014)、《博彩网站研究》、《博彩网站》三本书稿,采用了社会科学与定量史学相结合的博彩网站研究方法,探索了中国封建帝国后期科举制度的伦理、社会文化、家庭、心理与教育之间复杂的交互影响与因果关系。


Ø 博彩网站研究兴趣

ž 高等教育博彩网站研究

ž 教育数据科学博彩网站研究(RPythonStata, 结构模型、数据可视化)

ž 教育、历史与社会科学的交叉博彩网站研究

ž 社会科学博彩网站研究方法(定量博彩网站研究、质性博彩网站研究、混合博彩网站研究)

ž 科举学博彩网站研究(科举制度、科举文化、量化科举学)


ž Hua Fan, Jianzhou Ni, Ziqi Yang, Ruixue Zhang(2020).Difference Analysis of the Effect of Human Capital Accumulation on Economic Growth between Coastal Cities and Inland Areas in China in Recent Ten Years: The Empirical Research on 15 Sub-provincial Cities, IPEC2021: 2021 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers, April 2021 Pages 652–657 http://doi.org/10.1145/3452446.3452605 Engineering village Index

ž 董云川、范哗.中国大学章程——应运而生吗?,高教发展与评估(CSSCI扩展版),2015.3

ž 董云川、范哗.“产教融合”博彩网站研究,思辨就够了吗?,中国教育报,2016.6.20

ž 范哗.清代科举考试的题目成式.考试博彩网站研究,2014.6.

ž 范哗、刘建兴.奖学金制度对博彩网站研究生的心理激励探讨—基于厦门大学的案例博彩网站研究,博彩网站研究生教育博彩网站研究(CSSCI),2013.12.

ž 范哗.科举政治、科举教育及科举考试的特性分析,湖北招生考试,2013.8.

ž 范哗.卜舫济教育理念浅析,福建师范大学学报哲社版(CSSCI),2013.5.

ž 刘建兴、范哗.“媒介代际”刻板印象的形成博彩网站研究,当代青年博彩网站研究, 2013.5.

ž 范哗.大众化进程中的生师比与大学质量关系——世界一流大学生师比博彩网站研究的启示,教育发展博彩网站研究(CSSCI),2012.3.

ž 范哗.先秦儒学与科举思想关系论略,山东青年政治学院学报,2013.2.

ž 范哗.学科视域下的专学博彩网站研究—第九届科举制与科举学研讨会综述,教育与考试,2013.1.

ž 范哗.高考公平的矛盾论与相对论,招生考试博彩网站研究,2012.1.

ž 范哗.再论“为科举制正名与平反”—以中国儒家天人合一思想求解“李约瑟难题”,教育史博彩网站研究,2011.4.

ž 范哗.科举学文化视角博彩网站研究,扬州大学学报(高教博彩网站研究),2011.2.

ž 范哗.中国科举制度停废原因—基于文化学视角,湖北招生考试,2010.4.

ž 范哗.科举制度:中国历史水墨画长卷—谈刘海峰教授《博彩网站》,教育与考试,2009.2.


Ø 学术著作 

ž 范哗. 科举, 贵州教育出版社,2017.12

ž 范哗. 涂尔干的教育社会学博彩网站研究,山西人民教育出版社,2020.6

ž 范哗. 清代科场伦理精神与法规设置,中国社会科学出版社,预计2025

ž 范哗. 明清科举家庭、士子与社会文化,预计2024


Ø 科研基金(主持)

ž 国家社会科学基金十三五规划 20.19年度教育学西部项目(一般项目):世界一流本科教育的跨学科培养模式建设博彩网站研究,资助金额20万元,在研

ž 2018年度云南省“十三五”哲学社会科学教育科学规划项目(一般项目):“双一流”建设背景下云南高校一流本科教育跨学科培养模式构建博彩网站研究,资助金额3万元,结题

ž 2018年度云南大学教育教学改革基金项目:双一流建设背景下云南大学一流本科生跨学科培养模式构建博彩网站研究,资助金额2万元,结题

ž 2018年云南大学人文社会科学国家社科基金培育项目(一般项目):中国科举考试规制建设的当代价值,资助金额4万元,结题

ž 云南省“十二五”教育科学规划课题(一般项目):区域高水平大学一流学科建设实施路径博彩网站研究,资助金额1.5万元,已结题


Ø 科研基金(参与)

ž 中国高等教育学会“十二五”教育科学博彩网站研究规划课题(201411月—20168月)“从‘问题’到‘解题’:边疆大学高水平建设的策略博彩网站研究”,云南省高等教育学会,结题

ž 国家社科基金教育学2014年度国家青年基金课题(201412月)“美国弱势群体优质高等教育机会博彩网站研究——基于美国一流大学综合评价招生制度的分析视角”,全国教育科学规划领导办公室,资助额度20万元,结题

ž 教育部评估中心委托课题“双一流“大学本科生教育质量评估分析,结题

ž 中共云南省委2020年省级党群系统决策咨询博彩网站研究课题“教育系统应对突发事件的机制博彩网站研究”,资助额度20万元,结题


Ø 国际学术活动  

ž 20153.15.59届美国比较与国际教育学会年会(CIES, 分会Article Presenter, 华盛顿特区,美国

ž 20224.26. 2022年美国教育学会年会(AERA),圣迭戈,加利福尼亚州,美国

ž 2022.7. 加州大学伯克利分校高等教育博彩网站研究中心,Presenter: 来自加州大学伯克利分校学生的心声:学术经历如何真正自我感知?

ž 2022.12.1 第六届中国博彩网站研究生教育学科建设理论与实践论坛,Presenter: 导师支持(SS)、学业情绪(AE)与博彩网站研究生积极心理健康(PMH)之间的交互效应:基于中国硕士生纵横交叉滞后面板数据测量的证据


Ø 讲授课程   

ž 教育数据科学:R语言统计分析与数据可视化(学术型硕士博彩网站研究生必修, 2022SGJ001

ž 教育史理论与方法(学术型硕士博彩网站研究生必修课,2019SGJ014

ž 教育博彩网站研究中的应用统计理论与实践((教育管理硕士博彩网站研究生必修课,2022SGJ002

ž 教育博彩网站研究方法(本科生选修课,YN3017140016,体育学院)


Ø 博彩网站研究生科研立项(指导教师)

ž 杨紫琪.云南省教育厅2022年度科学博彩网站研究基金博彩网站研究生类项目,题为“高校校友资源利用与拓展路径—基于云南省十四所高校面板数据博彩网站研究

ž 杨紫琪.云南大学政府管理学院2021年度“四史”学习教育项目,题为“新时代云南大学少数民族大学生中华民族共同体意识培育博彩网站研究”

ž 杨紫琪.云南大学2021年度“理解中国—学史力行·青春助力乡村振兴”调研,题为“新时代背景下云南大学学生村官成长困境与乡村治理能力调查”

ž 杨紫琪.云南大学2020年度博彩网站研究生科研创新项目,题为“疫情背景下云南大学学生线上学习满意度调查分析”


Dr. Hua Fan

Institute of Higher EducationYunnan University

Wenjin Building, Yunnan University, No. 2 Cuihu North Road, Wuhua District, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, 650091

fanhua@muerren.net | 0086-13700673863


Ø ­­­­­­­Education and Teaching Position

ž Assistant Researcher, M.A. Supervisor, Yunnan University, Institute of Higher Education, 2014-present

ž Ph.D in History of Education, Xiamen University, Research Institute of Education, 2014.10.

ž M.A in Higher Education, Yunnan Normal University, Institute of Higher Education, 2009.7.

ž B.A in Finance, Kunming University of Science and Technology, College of Management and Economics, 2003.7.

ž CSC Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, China Scholarship Council Awarded, 2021.11-2022.11.


Ø Bio

I am an educational data science researcher who received my Ph. D. in the History of Education from Xiamen University in 2014. I am currently an assistant researcher at the Institute of Higher Education, the Deputy Director of the Center of Comparative and International Education(CCIE), and the M.A. supervisor at Yunnan University in China. At the moment, I am focusing on using data science (DS) research models to explore the intersection of academic experiences, social mobility, and social inequity among undergraduate (graduate) students, with being driven by a number of overarching research questions: What essentials have a significant impact on and shape students' academic experiences? How do these academic experiences profoundly change students' social perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors? What do academic experiences mean for students' future social lives? What are the causal relations between academic experience gaps, social mobility and equity? This study focuses on the use of mixed research methodologies to understand relevant research questions utilizing scientific data analysis techniques such as data mining, data visualization, and model building. From November 2021 to December 2022, I was awarded a China Scholarship Council Visiting Scholar Grant (CSC) to conduct this research at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.

I have been engaged in research on issues concerning higher education, historical and social science methodologies for a long time. I am currently authoring two book manuscripts, "The Ethical Spirit and Regulatory Set-up of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination System(Doctoral Dissertation, Xiamen University, 2014)" and "The Family, Shizi and Social Culture of the Imperial Examination System in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", which adopt a combination of the social science and quantitative historiography to investigate the complex interactive and consequential relationships among the ethics, social culture, family, psychology and education of the imperial examination system in late imperial China.


Ø Research Interests

ž Studies in Higher Education

ž Educational Data Science (R, Python, Stata, structural modeling, data visualization)

ž Cross-cutting studies in education, history and the social sciences

ž Methodology of social science (quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed research)

ž Research on imperial examination in China (imperial examination system in China, culture of imperial examination, quantitative science of imperial examination study)


Ø Single-Authored Books  

ž FanHua.The History of Imperial Examinations in China, Guiyang, Guizhou Education Press, 2017.12, http://product.dangdang.com/674243551.html

ž FanHua. The Ethical Spirit and Regulatory Set-up of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination System, Beiing, China Social Sciences Press, contracted to be Published in 2023

ž FanHua. Research on Academic Experience of Interdisciplinary Education for Undergraduates in Word-top University, China Higher Education Press, contracted to be Published in 2025

ž FanHua. The Family, Shizi and Social Culture of the Imperial Examination System in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, contracted to be Published in 2024


Ø Journal Articles

ž Hua Fan, Jianzhou Ni, etc.,(2020).Difference Analysis of the Effect of Human Capital Accumulation on Economic Growth between Coastal Cities and Inland Areas in China in Recent Ten Years: The Empirical Research on 15 Sub-provincial Cities, Engeering Village, ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8981-5/21/04, http://doi.org/10.1145/3452446.3452605

ž Fanhua(2014). Fixed Formats of Test Items of the Imperial Examination in Qing Dynasty, http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-KSYA201406012.htm

ž Fanhua,Jianxing.Liu(2014).The Research on the Scholarship System for the Graduate Student's Psychological Motivation-Based on the Case study of Xiamen University, http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_jyyxdh201402014.aspx

ž Fanhua (2012).The Relationship between the Student-Teacher Ratio and Quality of University in the Process of Higher Education Popularization: From the World’s First-class University, http://epub.cnki.net/KNS/brief/result.aspx?dbprefix=CJFQ

ž Fanhua(2009).The Imperil Examination—just like the Roll of Chinese Ink and Wash the impressions of Ships,Swords and the Imperil Examination written by Liu Haifeng, http://lib.cqvip.com/qk/89412X/200902/1001042615.htm


Ø National Funded Research Projects

ž National Social Science Foundation of China Education Science Program, The western project (2019). Research on the construction of interdisciplinary cultivation model of world-class undergraduate education

ž The Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education of China Project (2018). Monitoring report on undergraduate quality construction of first-class universities in China Provincial Scientific Research Funding

ž Yunnan Province "Twelfth Five-year" Education Science Planning Project (2016). Research on the implementation path of first-class discipline construction in regional high-level universities


Ø Conference Presentation (Presenter Author)

ž 2015.3.15. 59th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Chapter Article Presenter, Washington, DC, USA

ž 2022.4.26. 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Education Association (AERA), San Diego, CA, USA


Ø Graduate Student Research Project (As Instructor)

ž Ziqi Yang. Research Project of Yunnan Provincial Education Department for 2022, entitled "Utilization and Expansion of Alumni Resources in Universities: A Study on Panel Data of 14 Universities in Yunnan Province

ž Ziqi Yang. Study on the cultivation of Chinese ethnic community consciousness among minority students in Yunnan University in the new era", School of Government, Yunnan University, 2021

ž Ziqi Yang. Research on "Understanding China - Learning History and Acting - Youth Contributing to Rural Revitalization", Yunnan University, 2021, entitled "Survey on the Growth Difficulties and Rural Governance Capabilities of Yunnan University Student Village Officials in the New Era".

ž Ziqi Yang. Research Innovation Project of Yunnan University in 2020, titled "Survey on Online Learning Satisfaction of Yunnan University Students in the Context of Epidemic".


Ø Prior Research Experience and Positions

ž Project Coordinator, Higher Education Evaluation Center, Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, 2015-2018

ž Surveyor and Consultant of "Academic Satisfaction Survey of University Students in China", the Central Academy of Educational Sciences, China2017


Ø Language Proficiency 

ž Native fluency in Mandarin (as interviewer, translator, and live interpreter)

ž Fluency in English


Ø Courses Taught

ž Educational Data Science: statistical analysis and data visualization in R (required for academic master's students, 2022SGJ001)

ž Theory and Methods in the History of Education (Compulsory for Academic Master's students, 2019SGJ014)

ž Applied Statistical Theory and Practice in Educational Research (Required for Part-time Master of Science in Educational Administration, 2022SGJ002)

ž Educational Research Methods (undergraduate students, YN3017140016, School of Physical Education)